Monday, February 22, 2010

Exclusively Breastfeeding

I'm now exclusively breastfeeding by the breast and no longer pump! It took a lot of strength to get past my fears and anxieties surrounding supply/latch/upsetting him/not knowing how much he's getting/losing routine/etc but I did it. I just figured I'd let him latch how he wants to and he gulped and gulped and it wasn't hurting so I was too happy! I haven't looked back.

I spoke to a breastfeeding counsellor in my area who helped so much. She also suffers from anxiety and understood my need for control. She gave me things to focus on (his output, etc) that have really helped. It's so much easier and I hope I can BF for a very long time.

Cameron loves it and no longer gets as painful wind. He always smirks at me from the breast and will latch and unattach himself. It's so beautiful. I started this when he was a couple of days shy of 4 weeks and now he's a couple days shy of 8 weeks. It took a month and lots of determination and effort but it was well worth it.

Thank you to everyone who helped me get to where I am with BFing. I'm so happy.

If you have found this relactation blog as a result of currently relactating or considering relactation; I hope this serves as inspiration for you and hope

Don't hesitate to contact me (racheous [at] live

You can see how we are doing now at Racheous 


  1. congrats! breast feeding is such an amazing thing, and an unparalleled bonding experience between mother and child. SO happy for you, mama!

  2. Hey..
    I am going through similar journey. My baby is 2.5 month old, but he is so used to bottle. Can you please tell me what did you do to get your baby back to breast
